A fresh start
New ELHS students tour the school at new student orientation
On the brisk Tuesday morning of Aug. 16, a few hundred freshman (and all students attending East Lansing for the first time), filed into the night activities entrance, with a mix of terror and relief, for the ever-exciting new student orientation.
The new principal, Shannon Mayfield, stood in the spotlight of the auditorium, introducing administration members, slinging catchphrases, and reminding everyone that they are the future! And to please, keep your phones in your pockets.
After the nearly hour-long set of admin speeches was over, kids shuffle out into the unknown, clutching maps and schedules like they’re hacking through the Amazon.
The air is filled with questions; “It’s so big!” -“You have this class too?” -“I heard this teacher sucks”-“Where is the library?”
Swarming around like gnats, giving a sample of the chaos that’s to come to the school in little over a week.
Eventually the three hours are up, and everyone left with slightly more knowledge, a little less fear, and the persististing feeling of wanting to get it all over with.
Here’s this year’s freshman orientation in pictures.

Allison Treanor is a member of the Class of 2023 and one of the staff writers for Portrait. This is her first year on staff as a sophomore. Allison’s...